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Equestrian Training South West (ETSW)
Training and Event terms and conditions  


1. Booking forms must be submitted to attend training events.


2. Unless otherwise stated training sessions shall be paid for by bank transfer to the ETSW Bank Account

(Click here to view training booking procedure)


3. Training Booking Cancellations:

  • A refund will be made if cancellation notice is given with more than fourteen days notice prior to clinic less £2 administration fee, or the rider may have the option to transfer their money in full to another club event.

  • If 14, or less, days notice is given refunds (minus £2 administration fee) or money transfers will be only be offered if event costs are covered with another booking.

  • If a person or member has a confirmed bookings but payment has not been received - The above will apply and cancellation fees or training payment will still be asked for. 

  • No refunds will be give to anyone who misses their event due to lateness or getting lost.  All Venue locations can be found on the website 


4. Event Cancellations: If a training date is cancelled because of unforeseen circumstances, frozen or flooded arenas, or severe weather that makes training unsafe to run - the following will happen;

  • Due to the unpredictability of our UK weather the decision on weather related cancellations will be made on the day of the event.

  • If we cancel an event a notice of cancellation will be put on our Facebook page.

  • If we cancel an event a text message will be sent to all riders attending to the number they have provided on their booking form.

  • If training is re-scheduled then all riders will be given first refusal on the new training date or a refund will be given.

  • Refunds that are given will be done so in full for training that we cancel.

  • If a rider chooses not to ride or attend training that is running but the date is not cancelled the normal ETSW cancellation rules apply.

5. Any members owing money for cancellations will not be allowed to book future ETSW training until monies are paid. Members who do not pay for training and owe monies to the club will have their membership cancelled as per point 6 of the ETSW Constitution. They will also be reported to Area 12 and British Riding Clubs and may face further sanctions.


6. Horse riding is a risk sport and riders and horses participate at Equestrian Training South West events entirely at their own risk. It is recommended by the organisers that all attendees have their own adequate insurance cover for both them and their horse.

Save for death or personal injury caused by negligence of the organiser or anyone for whom they are in law, responsible; neither the organiser of the events to which these rules apply, nor any agent, employee or representative of these bodies, accepts any liability for any accident, loss, damage injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, spectators, land, vehicles, contents and accessories or any other person or property whatsoever. The organisers have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present. For those measures to be effective, everyone must in turn take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the organisers and their officials and stewards.


7. People participating at training events are expected to be tidy and not leave any mess.


8. Hard hats must be worn when mounted and conform to at least the minimum standard with harness properly adjusted 
For current standards please see BRC Safety Sheets for Hat Tagging 


9. No fixed peaked hats to be used for any Cross Country training


10. Body Protectors are advised for Show Jumping 


11. Body Protectors are compulsory for Cross Country. Body protectors must conform to at least the minimum standard
For current standards please see BRC Safety Sheets for Body Protectors

12. Medical armbands are advised for Show Jumping and strongly recommended for Cross Country


13. Riders must be competent enough to be able to control their horse or pony in a group environment.

Any rider which the instructor deems to be unsafe and a risk to themselves, their horse or pony and any other participant will be asked to leave the training session.


14. ETSW Minis is for Junior members that are either on the lead rein or have just come off the lead rein.  ETSW Mini training groups will be kept separate from other training groups.


15. All under 18's must be accompanied by a supervising adult at all ETSW events 


16. Horses and Ponies must be of at least 4 years of age to attend a training event.


17. Stallions are allowed at training events by prior arrangement with the organisers and must be bitted and competently handled/ridden by someone who is 14 years and over. If they misbehave they may be asked to leave the lesson. Stallion discs should be worn on bridles.


18. Unsafe/unsound horses will be asked to leave the ETSW event at the discretion of the instructor/judge.


19. All horses and ponies attending training should be flu vaccinated.  It is the riders responsibility to ensure that when attending training their horse/pony adhere to the specific TRAINING VENUE flu vaccination rules.  


20. Passports should always be carried with the horse/pony and may be asked to be shown.


21. Riders and spectators at all training events should always behave appropriately. No riders or spectators shall behave in offensive or abusive or unpleasant manner to any person 


22. ETSW retain the rights to refuse and remove any booking.


23. ETSW retain the rights to cancel training days.


24. ETSW retain the rights to reduce training times should there not be enough bookings to cover the costs


25. In any emergency please call 999.  Emergency Services must be met at venue entrances by any event attendee.


26. By attending any event organised by ETSW you agree to abide by these terms and conditions, British riding Club rules (and/or rules of the specific body the event is being run under) as well as any terms and conditions set out by the location of the event.


Everything we do is supported by the British Horse Society Values;


  • HORSES FIRST, the Horse is at the heart of all we do

  • ONE TEAM, we collaborate with and value our employees, members, supporters and partners

  • RESPECTFUL, we deliver with respect, integrity, dedication and passion

  • SUPPORTIVE, we support horses and people to safely enjoy life together

  • EXCELLENCE, we strive for excellence in everything we do.


If there is a problem - Please raise it immediately you are aware with an instructor/committee member as appropriate. We will attempt to rectify the issue as soon as possible. You may be asked to put the details in writing. You can contact the committee here

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